So, I've reached Wonderland, and it is a fabulous place. The grass is definitely greener on this side! LOL! I was surprised to see the number on the scale this morning. We've been going a little crazy with the eating on the weekends, so I was worried. But, I went to the gym like I planned and that says a lot.
Speaking of the gym, I was so wanting access to a computer on Saturday. I went to the gym as planned, with kids in tow. Hubby had to work. Kids were settled in the daycare, I had wrestled with my sports bra (who invents these things?), and was on my way up the stairs to the treadmills. All was looking good. Then my ipod dies. Seriously?! I almost turned around and walked out. You see, I don't go to one of these nice gyms. No, I go to the one that has cheap daycare, a big swimming pool and is very family friendly. What it has in family friendliness, it lacks in the workout area. Most of the equipment is ancient (I know, you don't need new equipment to work out, but it helps) and there are 2 tv's that you need an FM receiver in your ipod to hear plug ins on the treadmill here. So, my ipod is my lifeline. I watch the tv and listen to my music. Hopefully someone has turned on the closed captioning and I can at least read what is happening on the TV.
Unfortunately for me on Saturday I was not so lucky. I dragged my butt to the treadmill anyway and got on. 45 minutes later I couldn't believe that I had stuck it out that long. What saved me? 2 guys, one on a bike the other on an elliptical were chatting away, and it was good conversation! They talked about the Stanley Cup and hockey in general, about how one guy knew the Staal family and another knew the Pronger family, they told some hockey stories, talked about how one guy came from Spain years ago and his profession and a short history of his life, they talked about the other guy's job, which is building the new High School in town and some of the innovations they are using to make it a "greener" building. I should have thanked those guys before I left. Who know men could talk for 45 minutes! LOL!
Now, for the serious part of my post today...something is wrong. I can't put my finger on it I'm hoping that sharing will trigger something for me. First, know up front that I am not the kind of person who complains when ill. Generally I'm a "leave me alone" kind of girl. Lately though, things have been off. I've had 3 migraines in the last 6 weeks...strange because I haven't had a migraine since I was 9 years old - I suffered as a child but when Puberty hit it passed. I am exhausted. Not just tired, but to the point where there are dark circles under my eyes in the mornings. And on Saturday I laid down after the hubby got home from work and slept for 2 hours...anyone who knows me know I don't nap, ever. Not even when the kids were smaller.
At first I thought it was allergies, but my nose isn't running, it isn't itchy etc. I'm tired like as I write this I have to keep blinking to re-focus my eyes. Most mornings I wake with a headache. That in itself is strange. If it feels like it is going to get bad, I'll throw back some Motrin, but generally it is gone by 10am. If it isn't, I attack it so that it won't turn into a migraine.
Another strange thing is that I've been having the weirdest dreams. Ever since we bought the new van (last August) I've been having trouble parking it. It's a Pontiac Montana...find one on the street and look at's got a truck front end. Higher on the corners etc. Anyway, I can't park the darned thing...I have no real sense of where my front end is and I'm always afraid I'm going to hit the car in front of me. Anyway, I've been dreaming at night about parking. Last night, I must have dreamt 20 different scenarios where I was driving with my mom and I'd go to park and I would scrape the van along the vehicle in the next spot, or the guardrail or I'd hit the vehicle in front of me. Once, I remember getting out and looking at the bumper and it was clear and I said to my mom "Well at least it won't rust!". Very strange...maybe that's why I'm so tired...I'm working all night!
Now for the strangest thing of all. On Sunday, I was in the scrap room trying to relax and get rid of a headache before my parents came over when I got the shakes. I had scissors in my hand to cut out a stamped image and I had to stop. Every time I tried to do anything with any detail, my hands would shake. So, being the totally not serious person that I am I went outside to tell the hubby I felt strange. We joked and I stuck out my tongue - cause if you're having a stroke it would go sideways. I balanced on one foot too, but no problems...and I was obviously making full sentences. We eliminated a stroke as a possibility.
All in all though, it is just strange. How do you go the doctor though and say, I'm having headaches and I'm tired. He's going to tell me to get more sleep. So, for now I'm telling you all about it. I'm not worried, and it may just be allergies after all and it's just a really bad season for them. But at least now you can't say I never told you!
Oh yeah, and did I tell you that I made it to Wonderland! :)

1 comment:
Hey Dan, what about hypoglycemia? shakiness and fatigue are symptoms for sure. Headaches may be too, maybe something to check out - does it only happen before you eat, or after a big workout? Of course, I'm no doctor, by these symptoms sound familiar girl.
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