We're headed back to the gym tonight...and it's a darned good thing. I have had this craving for chocolate and yesterday I did something that I haven't done in a long time. I binged. One of the guys at the office was going to Burger King, 'cause it was Whopper Wednesday, so I got one of those. Damn, that thing was big...but I ate it. Then, when I went to the bank I managed to stop at the Dollarama and brought back to the office and consumed 2 King Size Reese Peanut Butter Cups, a Coffee Crisp Bar, a 99cent back of Lays chips and a bottle of Diet Pepsi...plus I ate 3 pepperoni sticks. All this in the space of an hour at my desk. Man, I felt like crap. I even thought about blogging about what a toad I am for doing that, especially the day after getting back on the treadmill.
Then, I calmed myself down and repeated what I keep telling my husband..."this is a life change, not a diet. " And so, I went home last night and had half a grilled cheese sandwich and some soup and then took my 6 year old to the driving range to hit some balls. Smaller dinner, a little exercise and a good nights sleep. Today is a new day. Just so you know, I've never actually admitted to being a binge eater before. Sometimes though, I surprise myself at the amount I can cram into my mouth when the mood is right. However, it happens less and less these days, which I guess is a good thing. Going to the gym with the hubby tonight, I would assume we'll do some weights. Hopefully I'll be able to limp to the computer and tell you how it went in the morning. LOL!

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